Project Advisory Board
A project advisory board has been established to support the project in strategic questions of orientation and implementation. The project advisory board consists of various experts from research and planning practice.

As a service company, the Energieagentur Regio Freiburg (EA Regio Freiburg) advises, supports and informs municipalities, companies and private individuals in the South Baden region in the area of climate protection. Together with fesa e.V., the energy agency implements the project on water efficiency in the southern Black Forest (IWaN) and has designed an exhibition on the individual consequences of climate change. In addition, they organize events and seminars on a wide variety of climate change-related topics.
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The Institute for Further Education and Project Management (ifpro) conducts advanced training events around climate change, climate protection and climate adaptation topics. In the AKKlima Oberrhein project, a range of training courses on adaptation to climate change in the field of urban and residential development was developed. With its offers, the institute addresses private individuals as well as municipalities and companies. Within LoKlim, ifpro will design and conduct the practical seminars.
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The Climate Protection and Energy Agency Baden-Württemberg (KEA-BW) was founded in 1994 with the aim of promoting climate protection issues in Baden-Württemberg. In the meantime, it has also included the topic of climate change adaptation in its portfolio. The most important target group of its work are municipalities, which it supports through consulting, networking and the implementation of specific projects.
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Founded in 2007 as an institution for climate communication at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the South German Climate Office has a high level of expertise in the field of climate research. One goal of its work is to make climate research useful for society. The Climate Office sees itself as a mediator between science, politics, society and business.
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The Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) played a key role in the preparation of the Baden-Württemberg adaptation strategy in 2015. It advises the state government on environmental and nature conservation topics based on its own measurement data, among other things. Currently, LUBW is in the process of establishing a competence center in the field of climate change and adaptation.
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The Northern Black Forest Regional Association represents the Enzkreis, Pforzheim, Calw and Freudenstadt districts and prepares the regional plan, the landscape framework plan and the raw materials security concept. Through the regional planning association, the model project for regional planning (MORO) for the development of spatial strategies for climate change in the northern Black Forest and middle upper Rhine region was accompanied. In addition, the regional planning association is involved in landscape planning and participates in urban land use planning and specialized planning.
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The Regional Association Southern Upper Rhine represents the three districts of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Emmendingen, the Ortenaukreis and the city district of Freiburg. As early as 2006, the Regional Association prepared a Regional Climate Analysis Southern Upper Rhine (REKLISO) and thus created a basis for adaptation to the consequences of climate change in the region. The main task of the regional planning association is the implementation of the regional plan, which touches on climate protection and climate change adaptation in many parts.
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