City of Böblingen
The city of Böblingen (inhabitants 50,035) is located about 20km southwest of Stuttgart, bordering on the local and recreational area Heckengäu and in the northeast on the Upper Gäu. Among others, well-known computer and automotive industries have their locations here. The city of Böblingen published a climate change adaptation concept in August 2019. As part of the LoKlim project, the model of process paths is to be used to establish climate change adaptation as an interdisciplinary task in administration and municipal practice. The topic of urban land use planning for climate-adapted control of urban development could be interesting in this context. The LoKlim project is included in the preparation of the climate change adaptation concept. In addition to the city, the district of Böblingen is also part of the LoKlim project.
In 2012, the city of Böblingen had an integrated climate protection concept drawn up in which various measures for reducing greenhouse gases were defined.