About the project
The project “Local Competence Development for Climate Change Adaptation in Small and Medium-Sized Municipalities and Districts” (LoKlim) was developed during a planning workshop together with stakeholders from the field. The aim of the project is to support municipal institutions and actors in the planning and implementation of local adaptation processes. For this purpose, application-oriented instruments for the specific development and expansion of competencies and capacities for adaptation to climate change in small and medium-sized municipalities and districts (“Landkreise”) in Baden-Württemberg are being developed.
The project is based at the Institute for Environmental Social Sciences and Geography at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. The team follows an interdisciplinary approach and has many years of experience in applied research on climate change impacts and societal transformations.
Funding is provided by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) as a municipal lighthouse project within the framework of the German Adaptation Strategy (DAS).